MARCH 1916
Sent for confidential reports on Miss Reid RRC and Miss M. C. Johnston. Sent orders for Miss Warrack QAMNSI, Miss Prentice CHR to join Ambulance Trains 23 and 2 as Sister in Charge, and Miss Close QR to proceed to Nurses’ Home for orders. Application for special leave for Miss Wilcox applied for in consequence of parents’ serious illness, sanctioned by telephone to save delay. Asked for confidential reports on Staff Nurse … and Richardson re Acting appointments. Informed DGMS on Miss Maxwell-Moffatt and Miss Kempthorne’s admission to Hospital. Contracts of both have expired. Will report when discharged to him. WO letter received re permanent appointment of Miss Ryder and Sandifer TFNS. Renewal of contracts received from Highland Casualty Clearing Station. Miss Wilson still dangerously ill at 14 General – no better.
Received wire Miss Wilson* died last night, to be buried 2pm. Telephoned to Miss Hordley to inform all Hospitals, and to send flowers from here. Informed 15 Casualty Clearing Station where Miss Wilson had been working. Col. Leake sent report on Miss Chalmers work having gone to the base sick from 2 Casualty Clearing Station. Heard from Miss Burkitt, Sister in Charge Lahore Stationary Hospital Marseilles, that Hospital moving to Camp and to expand. No official communication has so far reached this office. Havre reported Miss Bishop still very ill. Mrs. Furze wrote me re off duty of VADs at 16 General being different to elsewhere, she had been informed, and pointing out the importance in consequence of the girls’ health!!!. Forwarded letter to OC 16 General. Confidential from Nursing Sister Mrs. Kennedy from Lahore Indian General who has received orders to proceed Calais for duty, pointing out that she is not strong since her operation, and saying she would not be happy at Calais working with the other Indian Sisters. An official communication also was received from OC asking that she might remain alone there, that a trained nurse was necessary. Wrote Nursing Sister Kennedy, saying she should apply for sick leave if not fit, that Calais was specially selected, as I thought she would prefer working where some of her own people were.
Miss Hordley reported that Nursing Staff just arrived were wearing alpaca dresses and capes. Miss C. Pearce QAIMNS sent Home sick on Hospital Ship. Heard from Mrs. Robertson Eustace, with reference to enlarging her Club at Boulogne, provided £500 collected for Rouen is given to her to make use of, and asking me to go and see her the next time I am in Rouen. Miss Tremaine, Sister in Charge Canadian Casualty Clearing Station recalled England as Matron, Miss C. Cameron, 2 Canadian General replacing her. WO letter instructing us that Miss Potts should put in for her camp kit and outfit allowance, not drawn before leaving Home. Application for leave from Calais to be re-submitted later, when Calais is open again. Miss Fincham Australian QR, applying officially re passage money being paid by Imperial Government on her return, forwarded to Paymaster in Chief. Received telephone message at 3pm to say 16 Reserves and 2 TFNS had arrived, where were they to go. No official intimation had been received. Miss Massey, supposed to arrive 23rd, and Coates and Whincip from sick leave also appeared. Sent Mrs. Furze unofficial return of 17 VADs sent to England last month.
Left for Rouen 10am arrived 12.30pm. Lunch at 6 General, where I stayed. Saw Miss Reid QAIMNS about her approaching departure for England, and arranged for Miss A. A. Wilson to do the extra duty until Miss Rannie’s arrival. Miss Beamish to do Matron’s duties at 6 General. Universal regret at Miss Reid’s [departure] and a very high tribute paid to Miss Reid’s capabilities from the heads of departments in Rouen. Rang up to ascertain when it would be convenient for me to see DDMS. Saw Miss Bills who came up about a Nurse Gover, Guy’s Hospital, who had been very troublesome and undisciplined – said I would see her. Went to 2 British Red Cross Hospital. Saw the Matron Mrs. de Winter who was wanting some advice re official correspondence. Told her what good reports I had had about the Hospital and its management from various officers. Went to DDMS office, and arranged to go with him to 8 General Hospital in the morning. Telephone message from Col. Douglas saying that Miss Steen’s X-Ray plate showed a slight shadow, and though they were confident that it was all right they proposed giving her another bismuth meal in 3 weeks’ time. She was quite alright and on duty – no pain. The pain was result of chill he felt. After dinner saw Miss A. A. Wilson with reference to the additional work expected of her, and Miss Perkins A/Matron, 1 Stationary Hospital.
* Christina Murdoch Wilson Commonwealth War Graves Commission entry
Went to Meerut Hospital. Saw Miss A. B. Nunn QAIMNS, suffering from paratyphoid, has had a mild attack, will shortly go to Treport for change and on return to her unit will be given 3 weeks’ sick leave. Saw Miss Bills and Miss Gover, the nurse with a grievance. She is a young nurse who has only just completed her training at Guy’s Hospital, is very young, very inexperienced, and full of grievances, mostly imaginary. She had no doubt been very rude and did not consider that her Matron Miss Bills had treated her with consideration. The matter was satisfactorily settled and she wrote later to thank me for seeing her. From there I went to 8 General Hospital with DDMS Colonel Russell. Things are very much improved at 8 General. The accommodation of 100 officers, 40 in Building, 60 in 2 huts will meet all requirements. The Mess and Ante-room very good, and placed near the kitchen and pantry which adjoin one another so the meals are served hot. The Cook a good one, and the table appointments now first rate. There are 4 separate rooms for Field Officers or those seriously ill, which have been partitioned off the general ward. Owing to the position and insufficient accommodation for Sick Sisters – 10 only, no Mess or sitting room – the question of taking a house for the Sick Sisters in this area is under consideration. The Mess is most comfortable and well run, and the Staff looked well and happy.
Left for Abbeville after lunch, arriving 5pm. Inspected Rest Station at Abbeville Station. A Commandant, 1 Trained Nurse, 4 VADs. Everything fairly satisfactory, Red Cross Store and Duty Room not too tidy. On arrival found letter awaiting from Col. Keddle asking me to come to Boulogne at an early date to arrange about suitable accommodation with him for the Nursing Staff of 7 Stationary Hospital, as there is again trouble at the Marine with the old Manager – replied would go Monday 6th. Official application from Lahore British General Hospital for an increase of Staff needed now sick officers’ accommodation has been increased. 2 Staff Nurses ordered to proceed. Miss Kempthorne diagnosed paratyphoid and transferred to Isolation Hospital. Forwarded Miss Hancock’s QAIMNSR application to resign to DGMS – reason to return to British Columbia. WO letter instructing Miss Hay QAIMNS transfer Home from St. Andrew, Miss Ram QAIMNS to replace her. Official letter from OC Lahore Indian General Hospital re the retention of Sister Mrs. Kennedy for operating theatre work, her orders sent on 1st March for Calais not yet complied with. WO letter accepting Miss Moriarty and Miss Taylor Jones’ resignation. VAD Lowndes transferred Home by Hospital Ship.
Letter from Matron-in-Chief, re Miss Hay and Miss A. B. Smith’s appointment – replied explaining matters. Miss Hay’s incompetency and the necessity of having a senior Q here now the work has become so great. Miss Reid’s QAIMNS confidential report arrived and most excellent in every way – forwarded DGMS for transmission to WO. Learnt that Hospital Ships Asturias, Carisbrooke Castle and Oxfordshire now on the BEF route. Sent confidential circular letter to OC re Mentions. OC 10 Stationary Hospital re-submitted application for 5th female servant. Not sanctioned. Batmen to be employed for rough work. Difficulty here being that the Staff are accommodated in 3 houses. Wrote to DDMS Rouen re Sick Sisters’ Hospital, asking him to submit application to look for suitable house and the application would be considered. Wrote Col. … asking for a report on Miss M. C. Johnstone, who did A/Matron’s duties during Miss L. G. Mackay’s leave. Letter from Miss McMillan CHR thanking me for arranging to let her go Home to her brother, seriously ill, from 12 March. Report from 12 train, asking for Miss Oxley temporarily posted on 12 train to be replaced – quite unsuitable for the work. Instructed her to rejoin her unit, and vacancy filled again temporarily from 13 General. Miss Hay’s orders sent and confidential report asked for from OC St. Andrew. Renewal of contract agreements coming in slowly. 3 Nurses changed from West Riding Casualty Clearing Station – not suitable for the work. Miss Ellis report from Rouen satisfactory, to be appointed A/Sister, resignation withdrawn. She had been Matron before joining Reserve, had served as Staff Nurse for 1 year and was not willing to serve in that capacity any longer. Sent circular letter to all units with reference to summer uniform and the necessity of getting it in good time. Letter from Miss O. Jolly, stating that Nurse Guest and Nurse McNair not suitable for CCS work – sent orders for exchange. Miss V. Rogers TFNS, returning from sick leave sent to 2 General Hospital, Havre.
Miss Poole’s resignation recommended not suitable. WO letter informing us that Miss K. Davey CHR passed fit for duty and posted Military Hospital Canterbury. Miss Barrett returning to duty 6th instant from Hardelot where she went for change after influenza. Miss Bishop and Miss Wiltshire still seriously ill at Havre. Wrote Mrs. Furze re proposed off duty dress (summer) for VADs. Suggested all to purchase the same material, not as suggested, the same colour but any material. Telegram from Dehorted saying 2 extra days granted Miss A. B. Smith returning Wednesday, letter following.
Wrote Miss McMillan CHR with reference to her extension of leave and how it was obtained – have no record of it here. Informed reason of Miss K. Davey’s transfer. Miss Crowdy wrote unofficially. She had heard that Miss Odlum had no Camp Kit. Wrote Miss Stronach on the subject. The matter had not been referred to this office. Old Brassards and identity certificates asked for by OC Brassards, which were not destroyed in the recent fire. Applied for them from Rouen and Treport. Received a letter from Miss Hordley enclosing a cutting from John Bull re withdrawal of allowances for Nurses. Application for transfer to Home Establishment from Miss E. Smith TFNS, sent on recommended, if her vacancy can be filled. Emergency leave granted Miss Custance in consequence of father’s illness. Miss Briggs TFNS resignation cancelled. Col. Thurston returned Mrs. Furze letter re off duty time of VADs at 16 General. VADs treated exactly the same as trained people, same times as elsewhere. Health and welfare of all always considered. Extra servant recommended for Sisters’ Mess 3 General Hospital. Telephone message from Havre saying Miss Steen had had another attack of pain, was in her own room, and Sir J. Bradford been sent for. Asked if I should come, said she was comfortable and that he would phone again in the morning.
Left for Boulogne 10am, arrived 12.15pm, delayed on the road by snow storms and a Cavalry Division moving – English. To DDMS office about Nurses’ accommodation. Received a telephone message from Abbeville – another nurse wanted at Cimiez – a suspected case of Typhoid. Went to BRCS arranged for nurse go at once, leaving Paris tomorrow night. Wired Cimiez to that effect. Cimiez Convalescent Officers’ Hospital, Q Sister i/c as Matron, the remainder of Staff BRCS. Lunch at office, then to 13 General. Met Miss Hordley, went with her to 7 Stationary to see Col. Keddle found with the kind assistance of DAQMG. The Marine question was now satisfactorily settled, and everything was signed and sealed. Arrangement better than any other. Enquiring everywhere when the morning work is begun in each Military unit.
To 14 General where I saw OC and Matron. Things going smoothly.
Then to 14 Stationary. The new huts nearly completed and the unit will soon be as satisfactory as the old one recently burnt down. Col. Evans OC loud in the praises of his present Staff.
From there to Mrs. R. Eustace, about the question of opening a Club at Rouen by a Scotch gentleman. Said this would not be sanctioned as HRH … had been approved and sanctioned by AG and IGC and none others would be allowed. Mrs. R. Eustace very anxious to enlarge her present Club and accommodate Sisters passing through, if £500 is placed at her disposal.
Abbeville 9pm
Consulted DDMS on this subject on my return at 9pm, meets with his approval. Learnt that Sir A. Lawley is going home, his successor not yet known. Wire from Military Secretary India Office for whereabouts of Miss J. Halton. Not on our books, referred him to Matron-in-Chief WO, by wire.
Rang up Havre about Miss Steen – better – not put on Sick List. ADMS undertook to let me know the result of Sir J. Bradford’s visit, and to have her put on the Sick List and transferred to Sick Sisters’ Hospital. Letter forwarded from DGMS for our remarks, from Miss Crowdy VAD Commandant. Suggested that they should open a Convalescent Home in the vicinity of Rouen, for Nurses and VADs, saying it was much needed, attached to a letter from Major Campbell to DGMS. Replied that it was not required, pointed out what accommodation we had, and also informing them of the re-establishment of the Nurses’ Home at Rouen as soon as a suitable house could be found. Letter from DGMS asking if Nurses and VADs asked for were required. Replied in the affirmative, and that they should come in batches of 50 trained and 50 VADs each week in batches of 25 each day. Replied to OC, Lahore Indian General Hospital, that Mrs. Kennedy could not remain – if not fit for General duty, she should be transferred to 14 General Hospital and a Medical Board assembled to deal with her case.
GHQ rang up to say Miss Fitzgerald the American coming about the Edith Cavell Memorial is arriving with Miss A. B. Smith, and is to work 1st at a Base Hospital and then a Casualty Clearing Station – official letter not yet arrived. Letter from Miss Barwell Matron 5 Stationary Hospital again reporting the unsatisfactory work and behaviour of Mrs. Jelf CHR. Asked her to report the matter officially. Letter from Nursing Sister Mrs. Kennedy saying she is not fit for general work. Telephone message from Boulogne to say Miss Hobbs, CHR just arrived, has been with MEF. Instructed her to go to 2 General Hospital and asked that Miss Woodford should get all particulars. Letter from Miss Barton, saying Miss Steen better. Miss Bishop and Miss Wiltshire still very ill. Letter from Marseilles saying Hospital to expand to 200 beds, that N. Anslam off duty sick, what was she to do. Replied, the matter must be reported officially. Miss Denne Matron 1 General instructed to proceed 2 General to take Miss Steen’s duties until she is fit. Miss Rentzsch to act during her absence. Order Miss Close QAIMNS to proceed Havre 2 General for charge duty Casino. Reserve Badges sent by registered post to various units. WO letter asking for whereabouts, Miss Jane Millikin French supposed to have gone to France last year. Not on our books and asking BRCS before replying. Letter from Lady Knutsford giving account of Lord Knutsford’s accident and his miraculous escape – just gaining consciousness and surgeons satisfied with condition.
Miss Barbier to Boulogne to meet Miss A. B. Smith. Wrote Matron-in-Chief re Miss Steen illness, Miss Fitzgerald’s arrival – no official communication yet – the uniform of recent Reserves who have arrived in Alpaca dresses and short capes. Colonel Douglas telephoned to say Miss Steen better. Sir John Bradford came about Miss Steen. Says she will have to be carefully dieted and treated for a month, and hopes and doesn’t think an operation will be necessary. Official complaint received from WO with reference to the dirty feet of 4 patients from 13 Stationary Hospital, blind and gunshot wound of head who had been in Hospital 19 days and over. Such a thing has never happened before, and I feel we have all been disgraced. The correspondence is going forward – there is no explanation I feel to be made Wrote Mrs. Robertson Eustace saying that her idea of enlarging her Club ___ .
Official orders sent for Miss Fitzgerald to join 13 General Hospital for duty. Copy of WO letter attached. Letter from 10 Stationary Hospital saying 6 beds for Sisters suffering from serious conditions from 1st and 2nd Army would be ready 10th instant. Asked DGMS to inform DMS of 1st and 2nd Army, and that mild cases and cases fit to travel should still go to 14 General Boulogne. Sir Arthur Lawley and Lady Lawley called, the former to say goodbye, is returning to London on Sunday, to resume his work there and Captain The Earl of Donoughmore is succeeding him here as Commissioner of BRCS. Miss Graves, Chicago Unit resignation accepted provided there is no Medical Board. Miss Russell VAD arrived posted 13 General. DG and Colonel Burtchaell here to meet IGC with reference to the expansion of beds which is needed.
Letter from Miss Becher, asking me to change the whole staff of the Oxfordshire. Replied would do it as soon as possible. Also told her I was going to Havre to see Miss Steen tomorrow before she leaves. Mrs. Furze letter received and particulars of summer dresses for VADs to be circulated to all areas. Replied to a letter from Mrs. M. Crowdy re Miss Tozer, with reference to any members of the Staff being ill and their parents being anxious. Explained how very particular all areas were in this respect, and said I would be grateful whenever she heard that there had been any neglect in this respect to let me know at once so that the matter could be investigated, and also told her that Miss Tozer’s sister was telegraphed for from Rouen directly she became seriously ill and never left until she went to England from 3 General Hospital. Miss Fox wrote to say Mrs. Pickard had been operated upon – found to be cancer of stomach and stitched up, nothing could be done. Very sad, the poor old lady is over 60 and was out here with her husband – have been out here in one of the Soldier’s Homes – her old husband is now ill at 7 Stationary Hospital.
Colonel Fell called to say the 3rd Army was moving and that the 4th Army was taking over many of the 3rd Army’s present Clearing Stations, Surgeon-General O’Keiffe DMS 4th Army. Madame le Claire and the ladies of the Maison de France at Doullens, who have been working in French Hospitals wrote offering their services if required in 3rd Army to DMS, who wrote saying that the nursing arrangements were in the hands of the M-in-C. Wrote to areas for annual subscription to QAIMNS Dinner Fund. Particulars of summer VAD dresses sent round to VADs. Letter from Sister in Charge 30 Casualty Clearing Station saying the Station was moving. Received Mentions for despatches from Rouen. Left for Havre 10.30am.
Arrived 1pm. After seeing ADMS, inspected the various divisions of 2 General Hospital with the OC Colonel Babington. Officers’ Hospital, The Casino, The Palais, Quai D’Escale – all in good order. Very full, extra beds everywhere in consequence of not being able to evacuate for 3 days in consequence of the Port being closed.
Officers’ Hospital – 31 Officers, 2 seriously ill, as well as 6 Sisters, 2 of whom still on seriously ill list, Miss Bishop and Miss Wiltshire. All looked comfortable and well cared for and beautiful flowers everywhere. The Casino and Palais, mainly local sick. The Quai D’Escale very full with officers and men all waiting for Home. Miss Steen better – to go on the next ship to England. Also Miss Denne doing her duty temporarily until her relief arrives from England.
Left early, having visited the St. George and No.18 Train before leaving. St. George – found Miss Duckett ill with influenza and arranged for her to go to Sick Sisters’ Hospital and replaced her by Miss … . Saw OC, everything entirely satisfactory. The Train in good order – the OC entirely satisfied with the nursing arrangements, and many of the patients I saw spoke of the comfort and kindness they had received while travelling down.
Met ADMS, went with him to 6 Stationary Hospital specially to see the quarters, which were in a most unsatisfactory condition when last I visited this unit. Everything vastly improved – 2 nice young servants, kitchens, cupboards, out-houses in apple pie order, and several of the rooms had been repapered. Mrs. Fairchild the Acting Matron was proving satisfactory in every way. VAD Cook is running the Nursing Sisters’ Quarters most satisfactorily, a Batman doing the heavy dirty work.
On to Etretat to see OC and Miss Rentzsch Acting Matron and to explain that a Matron would be sent if no Matron was to be sent to replace Miss Steen. For the present Miss Rentzsch is able to manage, but is not fit either physically or mentally. 8 of the Staff off duty with minor ailments. Went over 4 houses which were under consideration for starting a Convalescent Officers’ Hospital for 100 beds, 25 to be accommodated in each. Should not fancy this splitting up of patients in separate buildings would be entertained.
From there I went to Dieppe. Visited Section A, 5 Stationary Hospital. The Hospital is considerably improved, but the Mess is far from satisfactory. I saw a new house which the Staff are now moving into, and hope the arrangements will now be improved. I have pointed out to the Matron Miss Barwell, many things which need alteration, and which I feel sure will be attended to. Returned to Abbeville 6.30pm.
Wired WO that Miss Steen was crossing tonight in St. George. Lady Michelham wired for a nurse to nurse a friend – none to be had in Paris. Wired BRCS and one was supplied. Wire from WO asking for a full report on Sister Curry’s condition – replied giving particulars. Has been on duty at 7 General since 19.2.16 when she returned from Hardelot after sick leave. Wire from WO for 2 Sisters as escort to take Miss Sagar (Mental) back to America. Instructed 2 Sisters from Chicago unit to proceed WO forthwith, and informed Matron-in-Chief. Colonel Fell rang up to say 30 Casualty Clearing Station closing and moving. Wired for Nursing Staff to proceed Nurses’ Home till they were again needed. 60 Nursing Staff arrived from England and posted.
A wire arrived first thing saying Miss Arnold* VAD dangerously ill and another informing us of her death at midnight. Informed WO Died double pneumonia – ill since Friday with sore throat, transferred Saturday, found to have double pneumonia and the throat, a persistent high temperature. Friends informed and asked to come to funeral – arranged for Wednesday. Temporary help required Northumbrian CCS and 9 CCS, supplied. Went to Treport, saw Matrons of 3 and 16 General Hospital. As well as the OCs, everyone very upset at the sudden death. Everything possible was done – returned 5pm. Special leave granted Miss Rice, Miss Halliday, VAD Corps, Miss MacMillan, CHR in consequence of urgent family affairs.
* Margaret Arnold, daughter of Edward Arnold the publisher Commonwealth War Graves Commission entry
Money received for Dinner fund. Wrote Miss Becher, re Miss Arnold, Uniform, Miss Ram. Lady Gifford rang up about valise of clothing which she is sending for me to take to Casualty Clearing Stations. Wire from Buckingham Palace re a letter Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox was writing. DMS returned from Boulogne – brought letter re accommodation of VADs in Rouen, where he wished me to go and furnish report. Letter to DGMS re the number of Honours, Mentions to be submitted from L of C and Front. Sister Teevan and Yule ordered 5 CCS replacing Miss Fish and Fox, who are coming to Base. Wrote Mrs. Furze giving her the names of certain ladies we should like to send out with the next reinforcements, if considered suitable. Told her about Miss Arnold’s death (daughter of the publisher). Telephone message from Treport say Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are arriving tomorrow. Said they should be met. Looked at a house not suitable – not enough rooms, 3 bedrooms only. Colonel Gordon from Calais here – excellent account of Calais.
Letter from Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox, with reference to the clubs, and the advisability of retaining Mrs. Latham’s services at Nurses’ Club Camiers. Also a letter from Lady Algernon, reporting the condition of 2 officers, wounded, who arrived from Boulogne at a Hospital in England in which her niece Lady Violet Brassey was interested in, in a dirty condition. Letter from Acting Matron Miss Allen QAIMNS with reference to the unclean condition of patients sent Home from 13 Stationary Hospital, this matter having been forwarded officially. Her explanation not yet received. Roll and particulars of 59 Nursing Sisters sent from Boulogne who arrived 11th inst. Nurse E. Byrne from 16 General instructed to join Hospital Ship Dieppe in relief of Miss Lloyd, sick in England, ‘meningitis.’ Rang up Rouen to ascertain whether Miss Hay was still on Hospital Ship St. Andrew – found she was still on duty. Wire from Dehorted asking for name and address of next of kin of Staff Nurse Brasher, sick at Villa Tino. Forwarded the same to Dehorted. Rang up Boulogne asking them to let me know when Mr. and Mrs. Arnold was arriving, and what hour they might be expected tomorrow so that I can inform Treport. Funeral arranged for 2pm on 15th.
DDMS Boulogne rang up, packet not arriving till 11am – had arranged for car to bring the Arnolds here. Informed Treport and said the funeral would have to be postponed till the arrival of the parents. One hour later SMO Treport phoned to say the Arnolds had arrived the day before via Dieppe!!! and didn’t wish the funeral postponed – to be at 2pm the original arranged time.
Treport 2pm
Ordered car, drove to Treport, arrived just in time. The funeral was a very large one, the service most impressive, part of the service in the Mortuary, the remainder at the graveside. Most beautiful flowers – a profusion. The father and daughter, very charming, heartbroken, and spoke of the great kindness and sympathy shown by everyone. Left for Rouen, going by Dieppe and arriving 6pm. To DDMS office, where I told him I had come to look with a complaint from a father, which had been sent to Mr. Stanley and passed on to Sir A. Lawley, and then DMS L of C, with reference to the accommodation of VADs at 1 Stationary Hospital. Went on there, and spent the night at the quarters, dining with the Staff and spending the evening with them afterwards. Looked in to the question of accommodation. Found hutted accommodation in cubicles for 33, the remainder in GP Tent (9), and Marque (2) on Night Duty. Boarded, electric light, hand lamps, stoves, divided by curtains into separate departments. Some Hospital beds had been able to be supplied, all others supplied with mattress to put on camp-bed, because of cold. Saw everyone personally, no one had any complaints, though encouraged to do so. The Mess appeared to be well kept, but I pointed out improvements in the kitchen which needed attention.
Was up at 7am. Visited the Mess and quarters of Meerut British General Hospital. Miss G. M. Smith, Acting Matron, Staff all accommodated in Huts, all arrangements very good.
6 General Hospital – excellent accommodation available for 84, in 4 huts, and 2 others now to be utilised. The Sick Sisters’ hut and the Servants’ hut, 10 in one and 8 in the other.
5 and 9 General Hospitals. The accommodation for the Nursing Staff is exactly the same. No.6 and 5 Messes were infinitely better kept than No.9 General Hospital at the time of visit. All have Batmen, 1 French woman servant paid from Mess funds and a Home Sister.
No.11 Stationary. Nursing Staff accommodated in huts in cubicles. Accommodation increased by Alwyn Huts and GP Tents. Everything satisfactory, with the exception of Mess which needs enlarging in consequence of increased staff. This quarter is well managed.
12 General Hospital. Accommodation for Nursing Staff particularly good and well managed.
10 General Hospital accommodation quite excellent. The question of extra accommodation is under consideration of 9 extra nurses, now accommodated in 12 Stationary Mess, which has been parked for some months and is about to be opened.
Then to 8 General, where I met Col. Grattan, where I went to see a house which has been selected for Sick Sisters in Rouen area, quite empty, in grounds, capable only of taking 16 Sisters only. No bathroom, no sanitary conveniences, only a small kitchen with no scullery, pantry, servants’ hall or store room. Lady Branfort, a helper of Lady Mabelle Egerton’s coffee stall died at 8 General Hospital of bronchitis and Bright’s Disease. Funeral tomorrow. Saw Mrs. Clipperton, who is busy purchasing extras for the officers wards at 8 General, including furniture, table appointments, etc.
Returned Abbeville. Before doing so say Major Steel OC 1 Stationary Hospital, with reference to accommodation of Nurses and VADs at 1 Stationary Hospital, and also DDMS, Rouen, and told him of the result of my visits. Returned Abbeville 9.30pm.
During my absence found that Miss Goodley CHR had had a carcinomatous growth removed, and was to be sent Home. Learnt that 3 Honours and 6 Mentions were only to be submitted for all Nurses and VADs in BEF. Lists of names submitted arrived from all areas now, for Honours and Mentions, these include Trained, VADs and Lady workers. Miss Kempthorne now fit, and able to go Home, resignation Feb 28th, been on Sick List with paratyphoid. Miss Ram QAIMNS ordered for duty as A/Matron St. Andrew vice Miss E. H. Hay, going Home. Miss Fletcher, Principal Matron BRCS called to say Miss Carr leaving Baltic and Corn Exchange, and replacing Miss Ashlin-Thomas as Matron. DADMS 3rd Army rang up for 4 of the Staff of 30 CCS to proceed Aubigny, 10 miles from St. Pol. This has been done. Capt. Kennedy rang up to ask if his wife, Nursing Sister Mrs. Kennedy, QAMNS India who was sick at 14 General Hospital [could] spend 2 or 3 nights with him before his departure for India, where he had been ordered. Sanction given. Phoned OC 14 General on the subject.
Phoned orders of Miss Craik and Middleton to proceed Isolation Hospital Calais from Sick Sisters’ Hospital where they are now passed fit. 7 days leave granted Sister ____ 20 General Hospital. Wrote report on 1 Stationary Hospital with complaint attached and gave it to DMS L of C to forward. Letter from Matron-in-Chief re Mrs. Priestley late A/Matron Cambria, who was sick in London and hurt at the way she had been taken off the Hospital Ship Cambria. She asked to be [informed] also about Miss Arnold’s death, and asked why she had not been on leave in 10 months’ service. She also said it would not be possible to send Nurses out in batches of 25, 4 times a week – once a week was all she could manage. Letter from Mrs. Furze re VAD list of names. Letters from 9, 15 and South Midland Casualty Clearing Station, asking for Nurses to replace those sent to the Base sick. Letter from Matron 10 Stationary Hospital, Miss Lear on Barge sick, replaced by Nurse Beverley.
Busy with Mentions all day. Dehorted wired for extension of leave for Sister … CHR in consequence of Miss Dalton QAIMNS continued critical condition. Instructed Miss Guest, discharged from Villa Tino fit, to proceed Lahore British General Hospital, Calais. Permission given to Mrs. Moffat, Staff Nurse 14 General to go to Rouen to see her husband, a private in the London Scottish before his operation which he has to have. Telegram from 14 General, informing us that Miss Brown, BRCS on dangerously ill list.
Col. Fell came. Asked that I might go to Aubigny to see where the Nurses of 30 Casualty Clearing Station are accommodated, and see if I could make better arrangements. Also that Staff for 41 Casualty Clearing Station might be wanted at any moment. Staff Nurse Tyndale, and VAD Greenstreet arrived from Home, from sick leave, ordered 11 General Hospital, and 25 General Hospital respectively.
Busy with names for Honours and Despatches all day. Phoned Miss Barber, A/Matron 2 Stationary Hospital, to send Miss Lloyd Edwards to Rest Camp, Abbeville Station, to meet Commandant, as she is the Nurse who I have instructions to do temporary work there when required. Miss Hordley reported non-arrival of Miss Dixon from Home, WO orders arrived 25.2.16. Miss Plimsaul QAIMNS reported move of 22 Casualty Clearing Station. Telephone message from Boulogne, Miss Cooper, Military Families’ Hospital had arrived from Home, sent to 11 General Hospital. Miss Duckett, late Staff Nurse St. George, gone Home sick on Hospital Ship Oxfordshire. Report on the late Miss Arnold VAD, forwarded from 3 General Hospital, sent on for transmission to WO. Miss E. Ward RRC granted 10 days leave of absence, mother’s death. Miss A. A. Wilson, Assistant Principal Matron Rouen, wrote about Miss L. Brown at 5 General Hospital who was troublesome and making various complaints and she had instructed her to write officially and that her letter would be forwarded to this office. Went with Madame Dumont to see a house – not large enough for our family, but very nice … .
Resignation of Miss H. Green forwarded to DGMS – health. VAD Bowser’s article of work of VADs at Rest Stations and Aid Posts forwarded to Commissioner BRCS – no object to publication. Letter from Miss Minns, Matron 18 General Hospital re Staff Nurse Mills and Lyon both ask for change of work and station. Elderly, have done private work for years, and feel they should be Sisters – not considered capable. Letter from Miss Hordley asking about Miss Tosh’s resignation. Letter from Miss Long, Sister in Charge 2/2 London Casualty Clearing Station, saying she had not been well, had fainted, OC recommended rest. Instructed Miss F. Holmes to replace her from Rouen. DMS 3rd Army wired for 4 nurses for 41 CCS, instructed Miss Nye from Boulogne to proceed as Sister in Charge and 3 from Nurses’ Home Abbeville who have been waiting. Boulogne telephoned arrival of Miss Woodward, and Miss Heriot from England. Miss Woodward ordered 13 Stationary Hospital vice Miss Nye, Miss Heriot, Nurses’ Home Abbeville. Wire from Dehorted informing us of Miss McMillan’s resignation – TFNS, was expected to return from leave 20th. Wrote DDMS Rouen, enclosing confidential report on 1st Stationary Nursing Quarters and saying house suggested for Sick Sisters’ Hospital not big enough I think. Learnt that 30 General Hospital is arriving from Egypt. Personnel and all coming in “Australis.” Letter from Miss K. Stewart QAIMNS informing me of her engagement to Captain Phillips RAMC. Finished Mentions and Despatches – gave 3 Honours and 6 Mentions – to DMS L of C for IGC. Letter from Mr. Arnold, replied enclosing report on late daughter from Treport.
Wrote Mrs. Furze re questions asked by VADs 1st Stationary Hospital:
1. Leave at completion of 1 years service
2. Chance of promotion
3. Whether they could volunteer for abroad, Hospital Ships or Trains.
Letter from Sister in Charge Highland CCS re Sisters playing Badminton with MOs – replied was visiting her Hospital next week.
Left early for Boulogne, arrived noon. Saw OC, took the Mentions and Honours lists for Despatches for DGMS to see – entirely approved, and instructed me to take them to GHQ with me tomorrow. Had lunch with DG and General Relf. After lunch went with the Matron to see the Sick Sisters at Chateau Mauricien. Everything quite delightful, the new sitting-room quite charming, most comfortable, restful and pretty. Called on Mrs. Watson, in charge of the HRH’s Nurses’ Club at Wimereux, took the Matron with me. She is making many improvements for the nurses’ comfort and convenience, including a sewing machine which had just arrived.
From there I went to 8 Stationary Hospital specially to look into the Mess arrangements and to ascertain whether it was true that the Matron Miss Knowles took no meals with her staff. I had tea with them. It was quite wholesome, and there was plenty, but it was not at all tempting and daintily given. The Staff are accommodated in huts, and everything is quite comfortable, the night nurses sleeping in the Matron’s wing being the quietest. There is excellent bath and lavatory accommodation. The Matron apparently has not been very regular in her attendance at the Mess, though she has not made a practice of entirely absenting herself. This will be altered. Saw the OC Major Sinclair, who expressed himself satisfied with all the nursing arrangements.
To 13 Stationary Hospital, where I saw the OC and Acting Matron with reference to the unfavourable report from Home with reference to dirty condition of 4 men’s feet from 13 Stationary Hospital. They were both very upset, but seemed satisfied that there was some mistake about the matter, and that it was an attack upon that special ward from certain people in England. However, it is apparent that if the men arrived absolutely as they should, this report could never have been forwarded. The explanation has been sent officially from Boulogne to HQ but it didn’t strike me as convincing. Went over the Hospital which looked in excellent order. It is expanding to 800 beds and the question of extra accommodation of the required Nursing Staff.
Then to 7 Stationary to enquire into a matter which had been brought to my notice with reference to 2 officers who had been in 7 Stationary Hospital from March 3rd to 6th, and on arrival in England were both reported as being dirty. The whole matter was thoroughly thrashed out. One was able to go to the bath, and had his own clothes. The other brought nothing with him – was a stretcher case – was blanket bathed, and given pyjamas. Saw all the receipts of the kit etc. Saw the Matron, Sister and Nurses, and it is evident that the Nurses in charge really knew very little about the matter, and that everything had been left to the orderlies. I spoke very plainly to these Nurses, and am moving them. Didn’t get back to the Hotel until 9pm, when I had dinner with Miss Hordley. The question of expenses is becoming increasingly more difficult daily, the Field Allowance not covering the expenses for the Nursing Staff, many of whom will have to meet many expenses from their slender pay.
Started early. First to 7 Stationary, then 13 General, where I saw Miss Fitzgerald, the Edith Cavell Nurse from America. She seems a nice sensible, capable woman, who was very much impressed with her work, very interested, and said how well fed and comfortable she was at the Marine Hotel. Saw Miss Tosh who is waiting for her resignation to be accepted. Miss Hordley very anxious to arrange for a dining hall at 13 General. To DDMS office before leaving. Saw Col. Forest with reference to Dining Hall at Boulogne.
Left for St. Pol, arriving noon. To DMS 3rd Army office to see General Treherne. Saw also Cols. H. Thompson, Fitzpatrick and Swan. Had lunch with the General, and then went to 41 and 43 CCS 43 CCS at Frevent in huts taken from the French and an Officers’ Hospital in School, able to accommodate 30 officers. Lt. Col. D. Lawson in charge. French people not fit, left. Will be ready for Staff next week., to be under canvas.
Then on to Doullens to 41 CCS Lt. Col. Winslow in charge – 3 Nurses had just arrived, and the Sister in Charge Miss Nye was expected shortly. Should be a good station, good solid buildings, altogether, which makes nursing arrangements easier. Good room for operating theatre. Took 2 Bales and some flowers with me, which pleased them all very much. Saw Col. Fell. Arranged to return by St. Pol after visiting 1st and 2nd Armies, to enable me to go visit the other CCS in this area where nurses will shortly be required. Arrived at GHQ 7pm. Went to office, saw Col. Burtchaell and DG, all very busy, full of work and arrangements for the move. Went to 10 Stationary Hospital, where I am going to stay while visiting these Armies.
Left early with Miss Lyde for 2nd Army. To Hazebrouck, arriving 10am. Went over 12 CCS both Officers’ Hospital and men. Everything in excellent condition, the OC thoroughly satisfied with everything. Miss MacCrae most capable, her Staff working well, and properly.
Then to Northumbrian Casualty Clearing Station, where I did not see the OC – he was out. Saw Sister in Charge, Miss Stewart Richardson, and found things much improved in every way. Staff needed being only 4 now. Heard of many irregularities which had existed the late regime, and which fortunately had been altered.
Then to DMS 2nd Army, who expressed himself satisfied with all the nursing arrangements in his area.
To 15 CCS, everything satisfactory. Saw the OC Lt. Col. Taylor. Had lunch at Nurses’ Mess, everything most comfortable.
Arrived Remy 2pm. To 17 Casualty Clearing Station, entirely hutted. Now Miss Hopton just taken over, she has the Mess most comfortable and pretty. All accommodated in huts, but the patients huts leave much to be desired. The washing was disgracefully done, and there was a want of order and attention to the sick and wounded which needs righting.
Then to 10 CCS, just on the other side of the line – huts and the structural arrangements the same, the management much better. Miss Cowie a most capable woman, I feel sure. The Officers’ Hut most comfortable, the Theatre quite excellent.
On to 8 CCS at Bailleul. They had just evacuated, only a few remaining too ill to be moved, who alas will never leave, I am sure. The OC was on leave, but I saw Captain Phillips and the Sister in Charge, Miss K. Stewart QAIMNS, who told me of their engagement. Congratulated them – said Miss K. Stewart will be moved.
Then to 2 CCS, where the Sister in Charge Miss Jolly was in bed with a cold. Arranged that she should be sent to the base and Miss Vernon-Harcourt take her holiday during her absence. This Station as usual in excellent order. Returned by Cassel arriving at GHQ 7.30pm .
Left early for 1st Army, after ringing up DMS, who arranged to meet me tomorrow. Then before leaving GHQ went to office and left all the particulars with reference to the increased number of Matrons and Assistants. Also saw OC Capt. Jacob of Ambulance Flotilla, and learnt that everything was quite satisfactory, work excellent. Recommended that 6 months on the Barges was long enough for any couple in such small quarters, with such trying work. Tried all day to catch some of the Barges – find them as elusive as the Ships. Went to Aire. Arranged for Staff of Field Ambulance moving to be transferred to 10 Stationary Hospital till the new site was ready.
Then went to see Staff of 19 Casualty Clearing Station, still at schools. Station moving to Bruay, during the move arranged for Staff to go to 10 Stationary Hospital also.
Then went on to Merville. 1st to 1/2 London CCS where Miss F. Holmes QAIMNS had just replaced Miss Long QAIMNS who had gone down sick. Everything in order – they had just evacuated. I had lunch with Staff, everything most comfortable and civilised looking. Saw the OC Major Franko, who said Miss Long very nervy and that she had never liked the work. Asked him in future to let me know if any member of the Staff were not entirely satisfactory and a change could be made at once.
Then to 7 CCS, OC Major Bird TFNS [sic] Miss Rolf Sister in Charge. Everything quite excellent, and the improvements quite remarkable everywhere. Here an evacuation had just taken place, leaving only the very seriously wounded behind.
On to Lillers. Visited 6, 9 and West Riding Casualty Clearing Station. All going well. All Sisters in Charge well, and their charges working well. Returned to GHQ 7.30pm. Letters by DRLS. Wrote in reply. Saw Fred Nicols – got on well in the Flying Corps. The Staff from 26 Field Ambulance arrived, looking well in spite of their hard work and being under shell fire on several occasions.
Left with M. E. Stewart QAIMNS to DMS 1st Army who accompanied us to 23 CCS, Lt. Col. Goddard in charge, Miss A. P. Wilson Sister in Charge. Hutted, much improved, a nice Officers’ Hut. Staff accommodated in lovely Chateau. Very muddy, very wet, some dreadfully ill and some dreadfully wounded men.
Then on to Coupigny to inspect Chateau where 69 Field Ambulance is establishing their abdomen and chest branch, and where the Nurses from 26 Field Ambulance will be joining. Beautiful building in beautiful grounds, where Nursing Staff will also be able to be accommodated. Splendid cellars where they and their patients will be able to seek refuge if shelled.
To Bethune to 33 CCS which I inspected and where we lunched – everything excellent. This building is increasing daily, rather the rooms which they are able to annex. Saw OC and Surgical Specialist, who is entirely satisfied with everything. The patients looked well cared for, and everything was in excellent order, washing done on premises and beautiful flowers everywhere.
On to Choques, Miss Molyneux Sister in Charge. Quite excellent, cupboards, everything perfect. The Mess too very comfortable. This unit established in a Chateau in beautiful grounds. Number of huts have been bought to increase accommodation. Everyone looked well cared for and comfortable.
On to 32 Casualty Clearing Station , beautiful situation – a wing of an asylum in beautiful grounds, but not well run. I feel the Staff need changing and that the Sister in Charge Miss Greenwell is not up to the work.
Left DMS at office. Went on to GHQ, saw DGMS and Col. Burtchaell. Discussed Honours List, the pending move of GHQ to Hesdin and Montreuil, the necessity of opening 2 small Hospitals at each place with a Staff of 4 in each. Learnt also that when Cimiez closed that there was a possibility of several smaller Convalescent Homes being opened. Told DG of what I had seen and the necessity of making various changes among the Nursing Staff. Letters by DRLS, sending enclosures from M-in-C WO, Mrs. Furze, Miss McMillan.
Left letter at GHQ. Saw Sir A. Bowlby who said how satisfactory the nursing arrangements were everywhere at the Front. Visited 20 CCS Went round with OC Col. Crowther. Everything as it should be – fine building.
On to 7 General where I saw the OC and Lt. Col. Waring with reference for making arrangements for the increase of staff which will be necessary directly the Hospital has expanded to 1800 beds. They are to be established under canvas and the little house at the gates to be dispensed with. This is the house I have always considered unsatisfactory. Saw the new Mortuary, which is very nice indeed, a proper hut with altar, nice windows, tressels, prie dieu, the gift of the Misses Woodhouse in memory of their sister.
Then on to Abbeville arriving in time for lunch. After lunch went to the office and learnt that during my absence the following things had occurred:
During my absence from 22nd to 27th, the following matters received attention:
A letter was written to SMO Treport re extra accommodation for Sick Sisters at Treport, to enable the Sick Sisters from Abbeville to be sent there instead of to Boulogne. The Staff of 4 was sent to 41 Casualty Clearing Station, just opening in 3rd Army. Letter sent to Mrs. Furze, answering certain questions with reference to the work of the VADs as experience is gained. DDMS 4th Army rang up to the ruling re acting rank of Sisters. Extra 7 days leave asked for and sanctioned to Miss Cooper VAD – mother’s death. Special leave granted Miss Dunn, 2 Canadian General Hospital. Boulogne phoned – Miss Heriot fit for duty, ordered Nurses’ Home Abbeville. Luggage at Calais – instructions sent for it to be forwarded. Copy of Army Council’s Instructions sent to all areas re VADs. Miss Williams Assistant Matron 8 General wrote reporting Lady Branfort’s funeral arrangements. Letter from A/Matron Miss Barwell, Sec. A, 5 Stationary Hospital, explaining certain difficulties she is having with her small staff owing to inseparable friendships. Received letter and plan of Hospital from Col. Thurston with reference to extra accommodation for the Nursing Staff when sick in the Treport area at 3 General Hospital. Mrs. Furze wrote about the treatment of VADs at 16 General Hospital. Miss Mallandaine on barge asked for change of work. Miss Dixon, Families’ Hospital arrived – ordered to 3 Stationary Hospital.
Heavy snowstorms. 75 TFNS Nurses arrived Havre from Mediterranean belonging to 30 General Hospital. Distributed in Havre and Rouen until unit is ready. Staff Nurse Lorimer joined 24 Ambulance Train vice Staff Nurse Scott now sick. When discharged to fill Staff Nurse Lorimer’s vacancy 13 General Hospital. 5 Nurses brought up from Rouen area, to Nurses’ Home Abbeville for emergency work. 2 sent immediately to 2 Stationary. 1 Sister and 3 Staff Nurses sent to Marseilles. Miss A. B. Smith went round 5 Stationary Hospital. Mental Nurses asked for, for 8 Stationary Hospital – one sent. Report of Medical Board on Nursing Sister Mrs. Kennedy Q India – invalided. Sent circular letter to DDMS re wrong return of sick nurses forwarded to WO. Compensation granted by WO to VAD Miss Thomson for loss of kit sent to Command Paymaster. Miss Jolly A/Sister in Charge 2 CCS sent to the Base sick. Miss Twidale CHR from 9 General Hospital reported as being absent all night on 2 occasions. DADMS Havre rang up to say Miss Thomas QAIMNS admitted Hospital and had operation – abdominal cyst – stood operation well.
… Southampton rang up for Staff for “Western Australia.” Staff from Copenhagen intended for this ship already joined Aberdonian. Instructed 2nd Staff to join with Miss Church in charge. WO letter re reinforcements. Only possible to send these once a week in 50s, unable to manage 100 in batches of 25 alternate days. ADMS Calais phoned for more nurses, Lahore British General Hospital – 4 sent. WO letter re Miss May McMillan, transferred Home Establishment. WO letter re Miss Underwood transferred Home sick – struck off BEF strength, now working Woolwich. Miss Ward RRC, QR, resignation, in consequence of mother’s death. Hopes to rejoin later. DMS 3rd Army, wired for 3 more Nurses for 30 CCS to complete establishment – supplied from Nurses’ Home. Letter from Miss A. A. Wilson Matron 9 General Hospital re Miss Twidale. General Woodhouse left for Treport. The remaining Indian Nursing Sisters wired for from London, to be in readiness to proceed India forthwith with the exception of Mrs. Kennedy. Orders sent to ADMS Calais to tell Indian Sisters to hold themselves in readiness. Reliefs being sent, orders to follow. Orders sent to Havre for Matron 30 General Hospital and 3 others of 30 General Hospital recently arrived, to proceed forthwith. Orders sent to Miss Warrack to leave 23 Ambulance Train to proceed Calais. A relief being sent from Nurses’ Home Abbeville to relieve her, Miss Newby by name. Letter from Miss Rentzsch saying Miss Thomas progressing satisfactorily. Orders sent Miss L. E. McKay, A/Matron 11 Stationary Hospital to proceed Calais in relief of Miss Knapp QAMNSI. Orders sent Miss G. M. Allen, A/Matron 13 Stationary Hospital to proceed Rouen in relief of Miss L. E. Mackay. Orders sent Miss Caulfield, Sister in Charge 14 Ambulance Train to join 13 Stationary Hospital as A/Matron temporarily. Orders sent Miss Wilkin from 13 General Hospital to 14 Ambulance Train. Orders sent Miss Congleton from 14 Stationary Hospital to 13 General Hospital as Assistant Matron.
Col. Barefoot to GHQ. 15 VADs to arrive Boulogne today – postings forwarded. Arranged many moves. Sent list of postings of 39 trained Nurses to arrive April 1st. Miss Church QAIMNSR returned from Hardelot, where she went for change, and proceeded to Havre for duty on Western Australia as Acting Matron. Matron 16 General reported Miss Hogan VAD as engaged to one of the MOs. Miss Bishop and Wiltshire invalided Home on Hospital Ship Asturias. Miss Bishop’s sister being given a special permit to accompany her.
Correspondence received from SMO Treport re treatment of VADs at 16 General Hospital from SMO Treport, a very satisfactory report. Telephoned DDMS Rouen re sick leave for Miss Nunn, who has just returned from Treport where she went for change. Application forwarded to Paymaster-in-Chief for authority to draw the allowances of Class 9 and 11 – mine and the Principal Matrons’ – strongly recommended by DDMS L of C. I heard Miss Twidale the lady who absented herself was in Hospital with nervous breakdown. Official application by Matron of “Dieppe” for change of duty for Miss Walker and Miss Merrill – orders sent for 2 Staff Nurses to replace them at Calais. Wrote to Mrs. Furze re 16 General Hospital, sending copy of correspondence. Miss Crowdy wrote asking if VADs might have bicycles – said this was not permitted. Miss Narracott told her 6 months contract with WO sanctioned. Miss Blest VAD resignation accepted. Termination of engagement on expiration of contract of VADs Wonham, Heally-Watson, Jenner, Barty. Resignation of Miss C. M. Jackson 14 General accepted from 9.4.16. Correspondence re moves of Canadian Nurses at 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station arrived asking that they might be moved 2 at a time.
Heard from Rouen that Miss Twidale had been invalided Home in Hospital Ship St. George. ADMS Calais wired about arranging about passages for Indian Nursing Sisters proceeding to India by Marseilles. Miss Naismith wired for extension of leave – serious illness of her aunt. Names of VADs and MP* sent from WO about to arrive. Completion of Staff asked for, for 41 Casualty Clearing Station. Billets taken, 3 Nurses sent. Wire asking if leave might be granted to Indian Sisters – 4 days leave granted. Confidential report received re Miss Twidale.
Left for Boulogne via Etaples. Saw ADMS Etaples, who told me that Miss Carr Matron Baltic and Corn Exchange was being replaced by Miss Ashlin-Thomas 1st April. Saw Assistant Principal Matron; said Miss Blest resignation was being forwarded and the attached letter asking that she might withdraw it now that her mother was dead, and that it would be forwarded to WO for consideration. Lunched at Louvre. Missed Lady Edwina Lewin and her husband owing to delay of the meal. Saw Miss Woodford, who said 16 VADs expected on Tuesday not yet arrived. 10 VADs expected today, only 5 arrived, and they without passports, others identity discs only, last Pay Certificates. Said the matter must be forwarded officially.
Drove Lady Edwina to see 14 General Hospital, Col. Gordon and Miss Fox took us round everywhere, including the Mortuary. Returned by Etaples and picked up some things of Miss A. B. Smith’s, which I brought back with me. Col. Fell DADMS 3rd Army rang up asking me to go to Aubigny to arrange about accommodation of Nursing Staff which was not satisfactory. Returned Abbeville 8pm.
* Military Probationer(s)
Miss Hills returned from leave and rejoined her train, and Miss Coward TFNS rejoined Nurses’ Home Abbeville to await orders. No Nursing Sisters have arrived with new Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, now at Havre. Reported matter DG. Staff now wanted for 37 Casualty Clearing Station. Letter of complaint from Miss Francis TFNS from 25 General Hospital. Answered direct to Nurse and kept correspondence.
Left with Miss Barbier 11am for 3rd Army, arrived St. Pol 1pm. To DMS office. Found everyone very busy in consequence of Surgeon General Treherne and Col. Fell being ordered to Mesopotamia. Colonel Murray Irwin, Surgeon General O’Donnell and Major Hartigan there. Went on at once to Aubigny arriving about 2pm. Went over CCS, an enormous place taken over from the French. Found the Nurses and Sisters not satisfactorily housed. Arranged with OC for a hut and Mess to be set apart for them so that they would be near their work. Did not think the Convent at the top of the hill suitable, even if it could be arranged as it was too far from their work. Visited the Lady Superior, a charming old lady, who paid a great tribute to the work and behaviour of our people when working in huts near the Convent, before they were able to take up their present position – regretted she could not accommodate ladies. Several French wounded being nursed with ours.
The OC Major Kelly put us on our way to Avesnes, where 37 CCS is being established. This is partly hutted and under canvas, getting in order. Saw OC Col. Brogden and went with him to Town Major about billets. Nothing in the least bit suitable near their work. After much discussion it was finally decided that he would pitch tents and marques for them near the officers’ compound, they, the officers being exceedingly comfortably placed, instead of what he first suggested right at the other side of the camp, where they would have to pass the men’s compound, and in a low lying piece of ground, with no privacy whatever, facing the main roads where lorrys are stationed – absolutely no privacy whatsoever. Had tea in Officers’ Mess. Most comfortable in every way. Staff not to be sent till suitable accommodation is ready.
On to Lucheux to 42 Casualty Clearing Station. Everything delightful, old picturesque town with glorious old Chateau. Very good work being done, everything satisfactory. 41 Casualty Clearing Station Doullens – great strides made since being there last week. Miss Nye QAIMNS in charge. Everything proves to be excellent, quite ready for remainder of Staff which has already been ordered to proceed. Arrived 8.30pm, found Miss A. B. Smith had been busy all day – not feeling at all well.
Establishments opened
23 and 25 Ambulance Train
41 and 43 Casualty Clearing Station
Trained Nurses – 87
VADs – 5
Trained Nurses – 71 TFNS for 30 General Hospital
To Home Establishment – 4
To Indian Establishment – 1
Sent Home sick during month
Trained – 28
Untrained – 11
Sick in England since April 1915
Trained – 56
Untrained – 22
Resignations forwarded during month – 7
Approximate number of leaves granted – 60
VADs returned England
On termination of contract – 16
On resignation – 3
Miss Arnold VAD died