PREVIOUS - APRIL 1st - 15th 1917



APRIL 16th – 30th 1917

The following day I inspected the proposed hostel for Sisters. This did not appear to be quite suitable, being too small and situated in an inconvenient locality. The house was also in bad repair and would need extensive alterations before it could be used. The question of staffing the Sisters’ quarters with BRCS personnel in lieu of French servants was discussed with the DDMS. In the afternoon I visited 8 Stationary, 32 Stationary and 14 Stationary Hospitals, afterwards proceeding to St. Omer, where I stayed the night.

St. Omer
Proceeded to HQ, DMS 1st Army, and saw Surgeon-General Pike, who gave me details of reinforcements he would require for the nursing staff of Clearing Stations in the First Army.
I then visited 23, 22, 33 and 57 Casualty Clearing Stations. No.7 CCS was closed preparatory to moving, and the nursing staff had been distributed to other units for temporary duty. In the afternoon I proceeded to St. Pol, 3rd Army Headquarters, and then to Hesdin to 59 CCS, which had been recently established there. I returned to Abbeville the same afternoon.

Hospital Ship “Salta”: During my absence, a copy of War Office telegram was received from DGMS stating that no particulars had been sent of the survivors of the Hospital Ship “Salta”, and asking that these should be sent direct to each relative.
CAMC transfer: Received memo from DGMS asking that instructions should be issued for Sisters Sharp, Pentland, Follette and Ramsden, 2 Canadian General Hospital, to proceed to England on relief by Sisters Johnson, Marsh, Mountain and Riopelle, CAMC.
AANS: DGMS forwarded a letter from Matron-in-Chief, AIF, giving the names of 3 Staff Nurses, AANS, promoted to the rank of Sister – Staff Nurses Kelly, Rhoden and Hart, to fill vacancies caused by 3 Sisters recalled to England.
A/Sister E. Emlyn, QAIMNS: Copy of War Office letter forwarded giving authority for A/Sister E. Emlyn, QAIMNS, to be recognised on the staff of the BEF from 15.1.17.
Reinforcements: Received priority wire from “Nerves, Dover” stating that 18 nurses from Hospital Ships were arriving in France today.
Villa Des Fleurs: Forwarded to GOC, L of C, correspondence re the Convalescent Home at Etretat for women workers, the “Villa des Fleurs”.
Reinforcements: Miss Aitchison, late QAIMNS, and 1 QAIMNSR arrived from England. 37 CAMC Sisters arrived for duty with Canadian units.
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Sick Sisters’ Hospital, Rouen: Received from AQMG correspondence re 2 additional maids for the Sick Sisters’ Hospital Rouen, and increased rate of pay from 2 francs to 2.25 francs per day from 1.1.17 [sic]. The Paymaster-in-Chief to be asked for authority to pay these women. It was asked if it would be more economical to employ Women’s Labour Corps in future. Replied that the employment of French women by the day has been found most satisfactory and is more economical.
Miss Beadsmore-Smith, QAIMNS: Received copy of telegram from DGMS saying that Miss Beadsmore-Smith had embarked on April 11th from Malta.
Hospital Ship “Salta”: Telephoned to DDMS Havre that the Sisters from the “Salta” should not be evacuated to England from Havre. Instructions would be sent later.
VAD Agreements: Forwarded to DGMS reports and signed agreements of VAD members whose contracts terminated in April, 1917.
VAD discs: Forwarded identification discs to different areas for VAD members newly arrived in this country.

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Miss Beadsmore-Smith, Principal Matron, QAIMNS, arrived from Boulogne for temporary duty as Matron-in-Chief. Reported her arrival to the DGMS, and informed ADMS Marseilles, that she had arrived at Boulogne.
Transfer: Received application from Staff Nurse V. I. Clark, AANS 2 General Hospital, for permission to transfer to the Australian Home Service on account of the serious illness of her mother. Forwarded to DGMS.
Engagement terminated: Received copy of War Office letter stating that the engagement of Staff Nurse P. R. Newcombe, QAIMNSR, who has been sick in England since January, was terminated on April 12th.
Accommodation at Etaples: DDMS Etaples, asked to be supplied with the latest establishment for General Hospitals, as owing to the increase of nursing staff, at the present time more accommodation is required. Sent a detailed form showing the War Establishment of nursing staff.
Convalescent Home, Hardelot: The Convalescent Home, Hardelot, was closed temporarily on account of outbreak of measles.
Resignation: Received application to resign on account of marriage from Miss C. MacLeod, A/Matron, QAIMNSR, Hospital Ship “St. Andrew”, and asking if she might be released as soon as possible. Wired that Miss MacLeod should forward her application to DDMS Embarkation, Southampton.
Reinforcements: 23 VAD members arrived from England.

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Reinforcements: Reported to DGMS that 10 members TFNS and 10 members QAIMNSR, had arrived for duty on 15.4.17, under the exchange system. Forwarded postings to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, DGMS and Command Paymaster.
Resignation: Copy of War Office letter received accepting resignation of Miss E. M. Thornton, VAD, from 16th inst.
CAMC reinforcements: Received copy of War Office letter with enclosures from AAG Canadians stating that 37 CAMC Sisters were embarking for duty in France on the 17th instant; 16 for 2 Canadian General, 14 for 3 Canadian General, 5 for 2 Canadian Stationary and 2 for 7 Canadian Stationary. Received War Office authority for the embarkation of Nursing Sisters Meiklejohn, Powell and Wilk, CAMC, who arrived in France, January, 1917.
Resignation: Received telephone Message from GHQ to say that the resignation of Staff Nurse T. Tevlin, QAIMNSR had been accepted and that action could be taken.
22 General Hospital: Received telegram from DGMS – Dehorted wired that Mrs. Hagar, Matron, Harvard Unit, should proceed to England to conduct a party of nurses to France for duty with 22 General Hospital. To report on arrival to Adastral House. Telegram repeated to DDMS Etaples.
AANS reinforcements: 6 members of the AANS arrived for duty with 2 Australian General.

Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from Staff Nurse K. McGregor, Canadian Red Cross, to return to Canada. Forwarded to DGMS.
VAD uniform: Forwarded to all areas concerned, circular re VAD uniform, received from Mrs. Furse.
Miss Harvey, QAIMNS: Received copy of War Office letter returning Miss Rannie’s confidential report on Miss Harvey, QAIMNS, asking for a further statement from Miss Rannie, and the remarks of the CO. This was to be returned early for the information of the Nursing Board. Forwarded remarks by Lt. Col. Archer, late OC 6 General Hospital, but no further statement could be obtained from Miss Rannie, as at present this lady was sick in England.
Hospital Ships: Received copy of War Office telegram from DGMS, stating that it had been decided that members of the female nursing staff are not to be placed on unescorted transports or hospital ships. Telegram repeated to Boulogne, Havre, Rouen, Etaples, Calais and Marseilles in the form of a circular, and copies sent for information to AAG, AQMG and DADMS, Ambulance Trains.

Miss E. Croft, QAIMNS: Received copy of War Office telegram cancelling request for a copy of confidential report on Staff Nurse E. Croft, QAIMNS, as the original had been found. Forwarded to Boulogne.
Reinforcement: Received copy of War Office letter notifying the embarkation on the 21st inst. of Sister A. M. Beale, QAIMNSR for duty in France.
New Hospitals: The DMS, L of C informed the Acting Matron-in-Chief that 17 General Hospitals were coming to France shortly – 10 of these to be established in Deauville and Trouville area, also that 5 Stationary Hospitals were coming. Amiens was to be on the Lines of Communication. No more evacuations were to take place from Havre. Dunkirk was probably to be a port of evacuation.
Villa Roquebrune: Letter written to Mrs. And Mr. Warre, thanking them for their kindness in allowing the Villa Roquebrune to be used by the nursing staff during the winter.
Barges: The Matron, 10 Stationary Hospital, telephoned that the barges were temporarily out of action, and asking for instructions for disposal of the nursing staff. Sent instructions for all Sisters to report to 10 Stationary Hospital for temporary duty.
Miss O’Shea: Miss Beadsmore-Smith inspected 2 Stationary Hospital and had an interview with Miss O’Shea, QAIMNSR.
Sir George Makins saw Miss McCarthy and was very pleased with her condition.

Visited 2 Stationary Hospital – went round with the CO and the Matron. Saw A/Sister O’Shea who wished to transfer to Home Establishment on account of finding the work too hard in France. Advised her to persevere for 3 months before sending in any application. Visited the South African Hospital – the Matron not in. Went round 5 Stationary Hospital with Miss Haig, and visited the Nurses’ Home – saw Miss Baldrey, the Sister in charge.

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Reinforcements: 3 Sisters from “St. Andrew” and 3 from “Stad Antwerpen”.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from Miss Rutherford, VAD, 20 General Hospital, owing to urgent private affairs. Received War Office letter accepting resignation of Miss M. Seward, Special Probationer, from the 14th April.
No.6 BRCS Hospital: DGMS forwarded memo from Commissioner, BRCS, asking that the strength of nursing staff of 6 BRCS Hospital should be increased from 38 to 42. The remarks of DMS, L of C were asked for.
No.9 BRCS Hospital: DGMS forwarded memo saying that an increase of staff from 15 to 17 for No.9 BRCS Hospital was approved.
Promotion: Recommendations for promotion from the rank of Staff Nurse to that of Sister for the following members of the TFNS were forwarded to DGMS: Misses C. Fitzgerald, M. Holmes, B. S. Mee and E. M. Riches.
Resignation: Forwarded to DGMS application to resign from Staff Nurse B. M. McIntosh, Canadian Red Cross, 2 General Hospital, the reason given being that she wished to return to Canada for Home Service.
Canadian Red Cross uniform: Forwarded to DGMS correspondence re the wearing of a special uniform by members of the Canadian Red Cross, attached to QAIMNSR, and asking that a decision might be obtained from the Matron-in-Chief, War Office.

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Hospital Ship “Salta”: DGMS forwarded copy of War Office wire saying that the survivors of Hospital Ship “Salta” nursing staff should be sent to the Sick Sisters’ Hospital, Vincent Square. Forwarded instructions to DDMS Havre, Sisters to be evacuated via Boulogne.
VAD appointments: Received War Office letter approving appointments of VAD members who arrived in France during March, 1917.
Buchy Convalescent Camp: Information received from DGMS that approval had been given for 4 VAD members to be employed to run the Recreation Room at Buchy Convalescent Camp.
Long Service Bar: Forwarded to DGMS correspondence re VAD Long Service Bar received from Etaples, asking if a ruling might be given. Up to the present bars had only been given to members who had 13 months’ continuous service in Military units. As VADs were arriving in France with bars awarded them for work in Voluntary Hospitals where continuous service was not taken into account, it was suggested that a distinctive bar should be given to the Military VADs in order to distinguish those members who had had military training.
Hospital Ship staffs: Forwarded to DGMS names, rank and corps of nursing staff of Hospital Ships who arrived in France on the 21st and 22nd inst.
VAD postings: Postings of VAD members who arrived 18.4.17 forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, Miss Crowdy and Command Paymaster.
53 General Hospital: DGMS repeated telegram from Dehorted saying that the nursing staff of 53 General Hospital were proceeding to France on the 23rd. Staff includes Miss Riddell, Matron, 1 Assistant Matron, 17 Sisters, 30 Staff Nurses and 48 VADs. 54 General was proceeding on the 24th and 55 General on the 25th, each with similar staffs to that of 53 General.
Reinforcements: Received copy of War Office telegram stating that 37 Staff Nurses and 2 Sisters, QAIMNSR Canada, were coming to France on 25th. Sent priority wires to Rouen, Etaples and Boulogne giving postings for all arrivals. 47 Trained nurses and 48 VADs (53 General Hospital) arrived at Boulogne.
Hospital Ships: Sent memo to Boulogne and Calais saying that if nurses were required to do dressings or attend to patients on hospital ships before sailing, Sisters should be detailed from 13 General or 7 Stationary Hospital at Boulogne and from 35 General Hospital at Calais.

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Reinforcements: 50 trained nurses and 48 VADs (54 General Hospital) arrived. 25 VAD members arrived.
Termination of engagement: Received copy of War Office letter saying that Miss Littledale and Miss Knowles, VAD members of 14 General Hospital, should be struck off the strength of the BEF.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of Staff Nurse E. Davies, QAIMNSR, 2 General Hospital, from May 18th.
Transfer: Received copy of War Office letter saying that Sister E. A. Baines, QAIMNSR was now fit for duty and was not returning to France, and had been posted to the Military Hospital, Tidworth.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of Staff Nurse A. E. Cottrell, QAIMNSR, 10 Stationary Hospital.
AANS reinforcements: DGMS forwarded authority for 1 Australian Staff Nurse to embark on April 20th for duty with 2 Australian General, and for 4 Staff Nurses to embark on the 28th for duty with 1 Australian General.
3 Australian General Hospital: DGMS forwarded a copy of War Office telegram saying that the nursing staff of 3 Australian General were waiting in London – if their own unit could not receive them, could they be detailed elsewhere as it was desirable they should proceed at once to France. Replied that they could be utilised and asked to be informed of the approximate number of Sisters who would be proceeding.
Staff Nurse Collopy, AANS: Forwarded memo to DGMS to say that S/Nurse Collopy, AANS, 6 Stationary Hospital, who had had an extension of leave until April 3rd, had not returned.
34 and 55 CCS: Colonel Faucus, HQ, 4th Army, telephoned to say that 34 and 55 CCS would be re-opening on the 26th or 27th.

Left Abbeville at 2.30 p.m. and called at HQ of DGMS, British Armies in France, where I saw Colonel Morgan who asked me to see the DGMS on Saturday. Visited 59 CCS and went round the hospital with the CO and the Matron – wards in building and also Nissen huts – some equipment still required to complete beds – a tent extension in course of erection. To St. Pol, to 12 Stationary Hospital – went over the hospital – not very busy – all in excellent order – new additional Isolation extension. The CO is Colonel Burke. The quarters of the Nursing Staff are very comfortable – dined at the Mess, and stayed the night.

3rd Army
Left 12 Stationary 9 a.m., called at the DMS office and saw Colonel Murray-Irwin and Major Hartigan. The DMS told me of an advanced abdominal operating station at Ficheux where they had placed 3 Sisters but wanted 2 more – arranged for Miss Slaney, QAIMNS to go in charge. The DMS asked me to visit all the Casualty Clearing Stations.
To 20 CCS (Warlincourt Halte) – went round the hospital with the CO and Miss Blair, the Sister in charge. Cases coming in all the time, very badly wounded – all working well – more staff required. Arranged to increase by 2 and would send more if required.
To 43 CCS (Mrs. Dalrymple, Sister in charge) – all in excellent order and working well.
To 32 CCS, where they were very busy. Saw the Sister in charge and the CO who told me they would soon be moving. All working well – 16 hours on duty and 8 off. Had lunch at the Sisters’ Mess with Miss Luard and the Sisters.
To 37 CCS at Avesnes. Saw Miss Devenish-Meares and asked if she could spare Sisters as they were not busy – 3 Sisters taken away, one to relieve at the Officers’ Hospital, and the others to the Advanced Operating Centre, Ficheux.
To 19 CCS (Agnes les Duisans). Very busy indeed – saw the Sister in charge and the CO, who asked for more staff – promised additional staff of 2. Went into theatre – 4 tables going night and day – Sisters doing 16 hours on and 8 off. This hospital takes Sir Wilmot Herringham’s special chest cases which makes them very busy.
To 8 CCS – equally busy. Saw the Sister in charge and the CO – promised additional staff. Arranged to exchange 2 nurses – Sister Welman and A/Sister Kircaldie – who required leave, and to send them to the Base after their leave.
To 41 CCS – equally busy and required more help. Saw the CO and the Sister in charge.
To Aubigny where I was only able to visit 42 CCS – saw the CO, Colonel McLoughlin, and Miss Ram, QAIMNS Sister in charge. The CO asked for more staff. At the time of the visit the hospital was not as busy as those at Agnes les Duisans, but more staff was promised for all three stations at Aubigny. Returned to St. Omer – arriving 9 p.m.

1st Army
Left St. Omer – called at the office of the DMS 1st Army – Surgeon-General Pike – at Lillers, who told me the requirements for the Casualty Clearing Stations and asked that nurses for emergency might be kept at 7 General Hospital and 10 Stationary Hospital.
To 58 CCS – not very busy at the time of the visit, but expecting heavy work and all ready, in excellent order. Saw the Sister in charge – Miss Cooke, TFNS and the CO.
To 1 CCS at Chocques: Miss Badger, QAIMNSR in charge. New theatre in excellent order, and everything spotless and in perfect order. Went round with the CO and Sister in charge.
To 33 CCS (Bethune) – Sister Foley, QAIMNS in charge and Colonel Winder the CO. Went all over the hospital – had just evacuated to Base but were awaiting a convoy. Had lunch in the Sisters’ Mess – very comfortable quarters.
To 7 CCS at Noeux-les-Mines, just establishing on the site of 2 Field Ambulances – not quite ready yet but had taken in some wounded. A shell had exploded close to the hospital that morning. Miss Bannister, the Sister in charge, was not very well, but promised to let me know if she felt the work was too heavy. Only five of the staff at present here but they will be made up to 12 when asked for. Saw the quarters – will be quite comfortable when cleaned – vacated by officers of Field Ambulances.
To 6 CCS (Barlin) – saw the CO and the Sister in charge. The hospital was fairly quiet and all in good order.
To 22 CCS (Bruay) – Miss Plimsaul, QAIMNSR Sister in charge and Colonel Goodwin, CO. Went all over the hospital – soon expecting to be very busy, but at the time of the visit fairly empty. The quarters for the nursing staff are most comfortable – had tea in their Mess.
To 18 CCS – went over the hospital with Miss Meeke, QAIMNSR Sister in charge and the CO, Colonel Stores (Bart’s). Arranged to change Miss Halford, Staff Nurse, not suitable for CCS work.
To 23 CCS – hospital not busy – went round with Miss Whyte, QAIMNSR Sister in charge. The CO not there – the hospital is moving to make room for a Stationary Hospital. Returned to St. Omer to 10 Stationary Hospital to stay the night – arrived at 8.30 p.m.

2nd Army
Left St. Omer 9 a.m. for Hazebrouck. To the DMS office where I saw Surgeon-General Porter and Col. Chopping – discussed the requirements of Casualty Clearing Stations in his command.
To Northumbrian CCS – Sister J. Duncan, CHR in charge. Not busy – chiefly skin cases. The Sisters could be removed if essential, but they are greatly appreciated for the treatment. A/Sister Wright assists every morning in the French hospital.
To 12 CCS – went round the hospital with the CO and the Sister in charge, also visited the Officers’ Hospital – all in excellent order. Saw A/Sister Rodger, who had applied to resign in order to take a long rest. Offered her a rest at a Convalescent Home which she declined, but said she would reconsider her resignation for the present.
To 15 CCS – A/Sister Robb, CHR in charge. Hospital not very busy – chiefly eye cases.
To Bailleul to 2 CCS – Sister McPherson in charge. Went round with the Sister i/c and the CO – hospital very busy. Colonel Gordon-Watson, Consulting Surgeon, 2nd Army, was visiting and he spoke of the good work done by the nurses. Several bad cases in hospital, the result of a bomb explosion and a bad accident on the railway. All in excellent order.
To 53 CCS – went round the hospital and quarters with Sister Gardner, QAIMNS, the Sister in charge. Saw the CO, also Sir Anthony Bowlby, who was visiting and who spoke of the excellent work done by the Sisters at the advanced abdominal centres. Had lunch at the Sisters’ quarters – quite comfortable.
To Remy Siding – to 10 CCS – Miss Woodhouse, QAIMNS in charge. Very busy at the time of the visit. The quarters of the nursing staff in excellent order – have promised 2 more staff.
To 17 CCS Sister in charge Miss M. B. Williams, QAIMNS – who requires more staff. Saw CO – the hospital and quarters are in excellent order.
To 7 General Hospital, St. Omer – went all over the hospital and compounds with the CO and Matron, and saw the new huts for Sisters suffering from infectious diseases. Found that the huts are being put up – at present only 2 complete. The hospital very full and busy – some large convoys of wounded arriving – more staff required. Colonel Waring specially asked that the Matron should not be changed. To 10 Stationary Hospital for the night.

Visited 10 Stationary Hospital – saw the CO who asked that, if possible, the Sisters in charge of wards should not be moved. Went round the hospital and quarters – all in excellent order. Left St. Omer at 11.30 a.m. – called at GHQ and saw the DGMS who told me of 30,000 hospital beds he was placing near Trouville, and of the visit of the Italian Medical Staff to hospitals. He also asked that increase of staff should be sent to all Casualty Clearing Stations. Lunched with the Director General at Hesdin.
To 59 CCS – saw Sister Corbishley and the Sisters’ quarters. To Abbeville, arriving 4 p.m.

General Service VADs: During my absence correspondence had arrived from Lord Donoughmore re control of General Service VAD members in Military Hospitals – discussed the matter with Miss McCarthy and wrote remarks.
Miss Brice Miller: Letter from Miss Brice Miller received, asking for help re their permits to travel, to proceed to Etaples to pack up their Home.
Matron-in-Chief: Received letter from Miss Becher re accommodation of nurses.
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Reinforcements on 25th: 2 Sisters and 37 S/Nurses QAIMNSR Canada arrived. Received War Office letter notifying their arrival and stating that 36 of these members would be required for duty with 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 Stationary Hospitals which would shortly be proceeding to France.
Termination of engagement: Received copy of War Office letter terminating the engagement of Miss V. E. Hawkins, VAD from April 21st.
Staff of Hospital Ships: Received copy of War Office letter enclosing nominal roll of Nursing Sisters transferred to France from Hospital Ships.
Miss G. A. D. Crozier: Forwarded to DGMS memo from SMO Treport, asking if Miss G. A. D. Crozier, QAIMNSR should be shown as Sister or Staff Nurse.
Reinforcements: Forwarded to DGMS nominal roll of VAD members who arrived in France for duty on 21.4.17.
Resignations: Application to resign forwarded to DGMS from Staff Nurse M. H. Self, QAIMNSR, 10 General Hospital – reason, to take up other work. Also forwarded application to resign from S/Nurse F. G. Fogarty, CHR, 9 General Hospital, on account of urgent private affairs.
Honours List: Forwarded to DGMS the names of 25 members of the nursing staff recommended for the ARRC, in accordance with instructions received.
A/Principal Matron, Boulogne: Received telephone Message from DDMS Boulogne, to say that Miss Walker, temporary A/Principal Matron, had been admitted to hospital.
VADs in Canadian units: Received information from DGMS that approval had been given for the employment of 2 VAD members for work in the recreation huts attached to 2 Canadian General, 7 Canadian General and 7 Canadian Stationary – a table was attached, showing the sanctioned strength for the Canadian Branch of the Red Cross.
CAMC transfers: DGMS forwarded a letter from DMS Canadians, requesting that arrangements be made for the recall of 6 Sisters from 2 Canadian CCS – reliefs were available as follows: 2 Sisters from 1 Canadian General, 2 from 2 Canadian Stationary and 2 were arriving from England. Issued instructions.
Resignation: Received War Office letter accepting the resignation of S/Nurse M. V. Adams, Canadian Red Cross, attached QAIMNSR, 12 General Hospital, from May 7th.
AANS reinforcements: DGMS forwarded copy of letter from Matron-in-Chief, AIF stating that 3 Australian nurses would be proceeding to 2 Australian General on April 28th to replace 3 Sisters who had been invalided to England.
Promotion: Forwarded to DGMS recommendation for promotion of Staff Nurse K. Carruthers, TFNS.
6 BRCS Hospital: Recommendation for increase of staff from 38 to 42 at No.6 BRCS Hospital returned from Etaples and forwarded to DGMS.
BRCS personnel for Sisters’ quarters: Forwarded to AQMG correspondence with reference to the employment of French servants for Sisters’ quarters instead of BRCS personnel.
Identity Discs: Receipts for VAD Identity Discs sent on 24.3.17 forwarded to Miss Crowdy, Principal Commandant, VADs in France. 3 discs belonging to VAD members M. P. French, D. E. Webb and C. E. Jones returned, as these ladies had left the country.
53 General Hospital: Forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, and Command Paymaster temporary postings of nursing staff of 53 General, also forwarded postings of the VAD members to Miss Crowdy.
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Reinforcements on 27th: 25 VAD members arrived from England. 91 trained nurses of the AANS arrived – staff of 3 Australian General Hospital. Received telegram from DGMS notifying their embarkation. Received copy of telegram from Dehorted saying that 500 trained nurses were now under orders for France, and asking that dates should be wired on which parties could be accommodated and the numbers which should proceed on each date. 50 trained nurses and 50 VADs were also waiting in London to embark and it is very desirable that they should be sent at the earliest opportunity. DGMS telephoned with reference to this telegram and said he had wired that the 50 trained nurses and the 50 VADs should be sent as soon as possible, but that the others were not to be sent until further demands from him were made. Wire sent later from this office to DGMS to say that 100 trained nurses could be taken weekly in parties of 50, Tuesdays and Fridays being the most convenient days.
Promotion: Forwarded to DGMS recommendation for promotion to rank of Sister, of Staff Nurse J. A. Connal, TFNS.
VADs in CAMC units: Reported to DGMS the arrival of 2 VADs, Miss M. F. Strathy and Miss J. F. Dennison, at 1 Canadian General Hospital.
Rest Station, Abbeville: Forwarded memo to Commissioner, BRCS, asking for a copy of the authority sanctioning the issue of free rations to the VAD members at the Rest Station, Abbeville.
Resignation: Forwarded memo to DGMS asking if Staff Nurse W. Cross, QAIMNSR should be struck off the strength of the BEF.
CAMC transfers: Forwarded to SMO Treport, a reminder from DGMS asking if the transfer of 4 CAMC Sisters to England from 2 Canadian General was complete. Received reply from Treport that these Sisters were awaiting the arrival of their reliefs from England. Forwarded to DDMS Boulogne, reminder asking if Sister Babbit, CAMC had proceeded to England. Received reply from Boulogne that Sister Babbit had proceeded on 25.4.17.
Reinforcements, TFNS: Correspondence received from Matron-in-Chief, TFNS enclosing nominal roll of TFNS Members, VADs and Special Probationers, who had proceeded to France with 53, 54 and 55 General Hospitals.
Miss Macdonald, Matron-in-Chief, CAMC, called at the office.
Resignation: Received War Office letter accepting the resignation of A/Sister M. T. Casswell, and requesting that her badge of the QAIMNS should be returned to the War Office.
Transfer to Home Establishment: Received copy of War Office letter recalling Miss Barber, RRC, QAIMNS A/Matron, 12 Stationary Hospital, to the United Kingdom and instructing her to report at the War Office on May 1st. DMS 3rd Army informed.
Miss L. B. McKittrick: QAIMNSR, authorised to draw pay at the rate of £65 per annum. Copy of authority forwarded to her unit and to Command Paymaster.
No.6 BRCS Hospital: DGMS sanctioned increase of staff to 42 of No.6 BRCS Hospital. Informed DDMS Etaples.
VAD Postings: Forwarded postings of VADs who arrived in France on the 24th inst. to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, Command Paymaster, and Principal Commandant, VADs.
Accommodation: Forwarded request to AQMG to authorise the provision of huts for the different Bases for the accommodation of reinforcements of the nursing staff now under orders to embark fro France. If Alwyn huts or Armstrong huts not available, suggested that large hospital marquees with boarded floors should be provided. Gave a rough estimate of the number of nurses likely to be sent to each base on the L of C.
Resignation: Received application to resign from Staff Nurse M. Wells, QAIMNSR on account of approaching marriage. Forwarded to DGMS – Miss Wells had been transferred to Home Establishment under the exchange system on April 15th, and was posted to 2nd Birmingham War Hospital.
54 General Hospital: Postings of the nursing staff of 54 General forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, and Command Paymaster. Postings of the VAD members forwarded to Miss Crowdy.

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25 Stationary Hospital: Instructions forwarded by wire to DDMS Etaples for Miss Northover, RRC, TFNS, 26 General Hospital, to proceed to 25 Stationary Hospital as Matron. Instructions sent by wire to DDMS Rouen for Miss A. M. Phillips, QAIMNS 25 Stationary Hospital, to proceed to 12 Stationary Hospital as Matron on relief by Miss Northover.
22 General Hospital: Received copy of War Office letter with gratuity claim attached with reference to Miss E. L. Edwards, Staff Nurse, who had formerly served at the Harvard Unit. Forwarded to Etaples to be completed by the Matron, 22 General Hospital.
Miss F. Toupin: Received copy of War Office letter with enclosures with reference to Miss F. Toupin, CAMC, 8 General Hospital, who had applied to be transferred to the Canadian Hospital, Westcliffe. DMS, Canadian Contingent, requested that the application be cancelled.
VADs in Canadian units: DGMS asked for information re 2 VAD ladies who had arrived for duty with 1 Canadian General, as to whether they were employed in the recreation hut. Forwarded to Etaples asking for the required information.
AANS Promotions: Received copy of War Office letter in answer to an application made that Staff Nurses E. B. Brown, G. M. Dement and B. M. Collopy, AANS might be promoted to rank of Sister, stating that the promotion of these ladies was included in a number of promotions made on April 4th.
Transfer: Forwarded to DGMS an application from A/Sister M. Armitage, QAIMNSR for transfer to Home Establishment – has been feeling run down.
29 CCS: Colonel Hyne, HQ, DMS 5th Army, telephoned that 29 CCS would be re-opened in about 10 days.
Nursing Sisters’ Club: Went to inspect 2 houses which had been suggested as suitable for a Nursing Sisters’ Club – one in the Rue de Lillers (Abbeville) and one in the Route d’Amiens.

Miss McCarthy left for Etretat by car at 11 a.m.
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Extension of leave: Received copy of War Office letter saying Miss M. E. Swindles, VAD, had been granted extension of leave without pay to May 13th.
Resignation: Received copy of War Office letter accepting the resignation of Staff Nurse K. J. McGregor, QAIMNSR 8 General Hospital, from May 15th. This lady is a member of the Canadian Red Cross, attached to QAIMNSR Copy forwarded to Rouen.
Miss A. Lehman, AANS: Received a copy of War Office letter stating that, owing to illness, Staff Nurse A. Lehman, AANS, will not be proceeding to France for duty with 2 Australian General Hospital as had been notified by the letter of the 19th inst.
Hospital Ships: Received memo from DDMS Boulogne with the information that 2 Sisters had been detailed for temporary duty in charge of invalid Nursing Sisters on the Ambulance Transport “Jan Breydel”, and had been granted 14 days’ leave on expiration of duty.
Sick Lists: Sent wire to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, to report that Staff Nurse Mason, TFNS, from 49 CCS, was on the Dangerously Ill List suffering from nephritis. Copy of wire sent to DGMS. Forwarded to Matron-in-Chief, War Office, list of sick Sisters transferred to England since the last return.
VAD members: Letter sent to Mrs. Furse, Commandant-in-Chief, Women’s VAD, to ask if Miss Helen Kerich and Miss Dorothy Nora Gordon could be sent to France as VAD members.
3 Australian General Hospital: Miss G. M. Wilson, Principal Matron, AANS and Matron of 3 Australian General, called with a nominal roll of staff. She said she was delighted with the accommodation at the South African Hospital and was arranging to go up to her own hospital daily with some of the staff to assist in getting ready.

Left for Treport at 11 a.m. Visited 47 General Hospital – saw the CO and Miss Lang, the Matron went round the hospital and saw the accommodation for Sisters and VADs in tents with boarded floors, 2 to a bell tent. Asked several of the VADs if they were comfortable and all assured me they were most comfortable and happy. Saw 16 AANS Sisters on temporary duty from 3 Australian General who were all accommodated in large marquees satisfactorily. Miss Lang recommended 3 Staff Nurses for promotion and I told her to recommend them officially. A convoy was expected.
To 16 General Hospital – saw Miss Willetts, the Matron, who had had a little trouble with one or two of her staff over the question of messing. Sister Carnochan, TFNS was the chief one to complain – no real cause for complaint – vegetables very difficult to procure. Saw Sister Fry, who was aggrieved at having been moved from the theatre, and who asked for surgical work. There are two Sisters with theatre experience here who could be utilised elsewhere, if required. The hospital and Sisters’ Mess were in excellent order.
To 3 General Hospital – saw Miss Stronach, the Matron. Asked her to forward the resignation of Staff Nurse Curtin, QAIMNSR. Heard that Miss Curtin would probably be invalided with T.B.
Staff Nurse E. M. Davis, TFNS is suitable for promotion.
Left Treport 6 p.m. arriving at the office at 7 p.m.

Establishments opened
24 CCS , on 3.4.17: Staff supplied – 13
49 CCS, on 7.4.17: Staff supplied – 14
47 General Hospital, on 8.4.17: Staff supplied - 28 Trained 36 VAD
59 CCS, on 12.4.17: Staff supplied - 7
Villa les Pines, on 12.4.17: Staff supplied – 3 Trained 2 VAD
96 Field Ambulance, on 25.4.17: Staff supplied – 3
Villa Monte Bello, on 29.4.17: Staff supplied - 3 Trained 3 VAD
Barges 366, 108, 109, 110, 370, 371 and 369, between 1-10 April 17: Staff supplied – 14
Total: 85 Trained 41 VAD

Establishments closed
Harbarcq Advanced Operating Centre, on 3.4.17: Staff released – 3
29 CCS, on 17.4.17: Staff released – 9
39 CCS, on 30.4.17: Staff released – 3
Total: 15

Trained – 82
Untrained – 203
Also 53, 54 and 55 General and 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 Stationary Hospitals with a total nursing staff of:
Trained – 135
Untrained – 96

Transfers to Home Establishment
Trained – 6
Untrained – 2

Sent home sick
Trained – 3
Untrained – 8

Returned from sick leave
Trained – 22
Untrained – 15

Total sick at present in England
Trained – 85
Untrained – 56

Resignations sent forward - 13

Approximate no. of leaves granted – 70

VADs returned to England
Termination of contract – 10
Resigned – 6
Invalided – 1

Special Probationers returned to England
Termination of contract – 1

Total nursing staff now in BEF
Trained – 2048 (plus 185*)
Untrained – 1412 (plus 144*)
* The nursing staffs of 53, 54 and 55 General and 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 Stationary Hospitals.

Shortage according to War Establishment
Trained – 500


NEXT - MAY 1st - 15th 1917